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- Short: V0.13 symbolic algebra program - 020 binaries
- Author: bstegema@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de (Benjamin Stegemann)
- Uploader: bstegema@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de (Benjamin Stegemann)
- Version: 0.13
- Type: misc/math
- ******************************************************************************
- Laplace is now available to different CPU types. To install Laplace, use
- need the archive
- LaplaceBase.lha
- and at least one of
- Laplace000.lha
- Laplace020.lha
- Laplace020fp.lha
- Laplace040.lha
- depending of your CPU. Depack these archives into the same directory (e.g.
- 'RAM:') and start the installer script.
- ******************************************************************************
- ******************************************************************************
- You need MUI3.3+ and the Installer V43.3. Download them now, if you don't
- have them already.
- MUI -> util/libs/mui39usr.lha
- Installer -> util/misc/Installer43_3.lha
- ******************************************************************************
- ******************************************************************************
- Laplace is now SHAREWARE!!
- Although it is still a beta version, I decided to start with a lower price
- than I planned. When Laplace gets some more powerful features (like a function
- plotter), this price will increase. But if you register now, you won't have to
- pay the difference!! I will start with 20DM or US$15. See the documentation
- for more details.
- ******************************************************************************
- Description:
- Laplace is (or at least should be) an universal tool for mathematical
- calculations. It lacks such a GUI with hundreds of windows like those
- other progs I've found on AMIGA.
- Instead it works like a shell, you enter a command and get the
- result displayed, which is much more flexible.
- This is just a beta version!!
- There WILL be much more implemented, but I need YOUR support and
- suggestions!!!!
- Features:
- · Basic two dimensional plotter and animated plots.
- · Export graphs as PS or EPS.
- · Works fully symbolic.
- · Most basic complex, vector and matrix operations.
- · Basic statistical operations on sets.
- · Full derivation of functions.
- · Numerical integration.
- · Export formulas to LaTeX.
- · Nice GUI, almost everything is configureable.
- · Offers a revolutionary way of handling experimental results with
- errors using gaussian error distribution.
- · Localized, currently english and german.
- · Full featured installer script.
- · Documentation in AmigaGuide.
- · Procedures and simple programming features.
- Requirements:
- · CPU: 68000 or better (no FPU needed)
- · OS: 3.0 or better
- · MUI: 3.3
- · MEM: much, 4MB should be minimum
- Changes since V0.12:
- · 8.4.1998:
- · ß1: Bugfix: redrawing wath screwed up with asynchron
- calculation.
- · ß2: Plotter: First simple PS export.
- · 12.4.1998:
- · ß3: Plotter: PS and EPS export works fine.
- · ß4: Plotter: Added axis labels and legend.
- · 13.4.1998:
- · ß5: Plotter: Now displays e.g 2*10 ^ 2 instead of 2e2 .
- · ß6: Manual: New appendix Future plans.
- · ß7: Plotter: Axis number were place incorrectly with log
- scale.
- · ß8: Plotter: GhostScript (if installed) can now directly
- be invoked to print PS files.
- · ß9: : Plotter: Preview using GhostScript implemented.
- · 16.4.1998:
- · ß10: : Plotter: New (adaptive) handling of function's
- precision.
- · ß11: : Plotter: More flexible handling of axises.
- · 17.4.1998:
- · ß12: : Bugfix: Expressions like 1 + 2x caused a crash.
- Reported by ??.
- · 18.4.1998:
- · ß13: New internal representation of displayed objects.
- Uses less code and prepares Laplace for a possible PPC
- port.
- · 19.4.1998:
- · ß14: Plotter: You can abort a zoom operation by pressing
- the spacebar while the left mouse button is pressed.
- · 20.4.1998:
- · ß15: Plotter: Fixed some problems with logarithmic scale.
- · ß16: Plotter: The window is not activated, if opened by
- plot_open() . Suggested by Christoph Rickers.
- · ß17: Button images are now loaded before the window
- contents are drawn. Looks more professional according to
- Christoph Rickers...
- · 29.4.1998:
- · ß18: Plotter: you can now change the fonts.
- · ß19: Prefs: Use listview instead of register.
- · ß20: About: New page Modules.
- · 9.5.1998:
- · ß21: Some modifications of the GUI (image buttons, etc.).
- · ß22: Reimplemented online help system.
- · 11.5.1998:
- · ß23: Uff, what a day. Once again, my address has changed!
- Now it's
- Scheffelstraße 14
- 69214 Eppelheim
- Germany
- · ß24: Bugfix: Derivation of a ^ c, c=const was wrong
- (c*a ^ (c-1) instead of c*a ^ (c-1)*derive (a,x) ).
- Reported by Markus Mannevaara.
- · 16.5.1998:
- · ß25: After logically splitting Laplace into the
- mathmatical kernel and the graphical interface, these two
- parts are now physically seperated into two programs that
- communicate via messages. In theory the kernal can now be
- compiled for and run on a PPC while the GUI uses the 68k
- processor. If you have a PPC card, you are programming
- with the ppc-gcc and you would like to port the kernel to
- PPC, please contact me!
- · 14.7.1998:
- · ß26: Bugfix: derivation of constants (pi, e) caused
- Enforcer hit. Reported by Tommy Lindgren.
- · 15.7.1998:
- · ß27: Implemented Line archive and Color archive for
- easier line and color definition.
- · 30.7.1998:
- · ß28: Bugfix: custom MUI classes where disposed before all
- MUI objects where disposed, which could sometimes lead
- into a crash at the exit of Laplace.
- · 29.9.1998:
- Finally it's out.
- Notes:
- German documentation is still incomplete. It's currently a wild
- mixture of german and english parts.
- P!\K, 29.9.1998
- bstegema@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 490836 490836 0.0% 30-Sep-98 19:31:56 +Main_020.lha
- 6540 2702 58.6% 30-Sep-98 19:28:30 Laplace020.readme
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 497376 493538 0.7% 02-Oct-98 20:06:14 2 files